

The day you got lost....
I love you the most,
So I cried all night on The day you got lost.
Feeling I had that day can't be described in words,
I'd lost someone who values me so much.
The way you treats me was beyond my imagination,
You support me in everything with so much of affection.
My happy face makes you happy too,
You fixed all the nuts whenever i had loose screws.
The way you leaves me, left me completely shaken,
It's just soul from my body had been taken.
I'd Felt like a dead meat with all emotions dead,
Lifeless expression on my face can easily be read.

But no-one there's to saw that on my face,
Coz everyones busy to compete in that race.
The race no-one really bothers after few years,
They loosing their present in chase of future.
This is the condition of world now,
Everyone just wants to be a winner No matter how.
Those who ends as a looser in this race,
Would never able to fit in society's space.
This is the mindset today as everyone says,
Winner get all the chances and loosers backstays.

Now a looser who got nothing to loose,
Had lost someone and become more fuse.
The moment and time I had shared,
With the guy who generously cared
For me he was no more there,
Leave me alone like a child Who lost in a fair!!!!!
I don't know what to do same like the lost child,
I'm going to be crazy and vigorously wild,
Now there's no one who i can put my trust
now there's no one here to whom i can rely.

I'm running too hard from this world and this life,
Refused to move on i started crying,
Crying all day and crying all night,
Coz I'm living a life which i didn't decide.
I'm telling myself, hey help him,
I'm too afraid but still I'm thinkin.
Can I really run from reality whole life,
Wtf I'm doing this whole time.
I must accept the reality and get back on track,
Because a real men ought to know what they lack.
To do the real shit once I desire,
I need to follow the path set by the guy I admire.
Believe in MYSELF because I know
Not everyone but most of them are liers,
Just always remember what sets that fire,
Inside you there's a man who never get tired.
A man who never had enough,
Always look for the best
And always livin up!!!
© KP