

When care becomes control
When care becomes control,
we don't realize that the soul
suffocates due to our hold
over them and it creates a hole
in their heart and takes a toll
on their mental health afterall
as we, their closest soul
is unable to understand and console.
All this happens because
our care becomes control.

Every soul needs it's own space.
It has a unique life journey in place.
Ways which work for you today,
may not work for me anyway.

But, in the name of
care, love and concern,
we cross our limits and turn
love into a burn.

Often, the suffocating soul
is unable to explain effectively
that they want to be free
and doesn't need help from anybody.

At times, our incapability
to see really, their efforts to convey
their deepest emotions in everyway
causes the relationship to decay.

Anything in excess,
creates a mess.
So, as a human, it's our mission
to help every soul achieve freedom.
Follow the saying "Live and let live".
Freedom of all forms is the vision!!!

© Kshitija D.

#LiveAndLetLive #freedom