

Get Strong Soon
It is a sad moment
It's a defining moment in life when someone is lost within a spur
Life runs as a flash in front of you
Life runs like a moment turning in hue
Death is a reality everyone knows
He will surely be forever missed by all, Never will a time come when he will be forgotten,
But we will smile and wait for the day, When we will reunite once again in heaven above.
For it is true and it leaves a mark
When someone close to you departs
There is a void in the heart forever
That cannot be fulfilled with time
There is a void in the heart which breaks
All the things in spite
Death is a reality when one has to seek
A dark reality in bleak!
Stay blessed as I love to see you smile
This gloom will not last forever, it's there for awhile
May His Almighty grant you the sheer strength and determination during this trying moments. Stay Strong mamaa,
May the merry soul rest in peace. (Terry, yes.. I still remember the day you posted him and I asked you the name. Pole sanaa mamaa!) I still got the void my lil bro left with me in 2014.. It hurts alot. I will forever put you in my prayers.
After the burial kindly recollect yourself,hoping everything will fall into place afterwards,and concentrate onto your books.wish you all the best..The storm shall pass mamaa.