

O2, waving me out
O2, waving me out

I’m so exhausted of the pain
Life, please give me a break
I know the world isn’t equally divided
But 7 days long
Is making me mental, not strong
I can’t breathe, please listen to me
How can this be life in my twenties now
Seems like my body is shutting down
I’m so sick of all this hurt
I try to listen to my body
But that doesn’t match what is expected in society
As a little girl I had all these dreams
Now it feels like survival, cause my body is giving up on me
How can I get back again
To a young healthy woman
Guess global warming is thriving now
O2 is waving me out
Universe, tell me how to function
I thought humans can’t live without oxygen
Guess I’ll hope for an afterlife
Where no illness will survive
Now I understand the comfort of what they call heaven
The human experience without suffering, that’s the life we all want a ticket in

© Jourme