

An extremely powerful narrative of a Sanatan Dharmist's devotion and connection to Lord Shiva. Capturing this sacred pilgrimage is a true act of grace as she has travelled to the 14 Jyotirlingams of India, noting her divine experiences.

The peregrination of this book is not only a physical journey undertaken to explore the Jyotirlingams of Lord Shiva but her soul's own quest of unraveling the purpose of Shaivism in her own innate voyage of self love and inner transformation. This testament of courage carries a new meaning, a reason and a beautiful tale to be shared with her readers.

My neighbour, who has not only become family but a staunch friend- is a scholar at heart with the love for The Divine, adventure and self-improvement. The book itself captures the essence of all 3 of the aforementioned with a particular simplicity to it, any reader will grasp the spiritual knowledge with a practical lesson to be learned. A little glimpse in the journey of another's spiritual life can highlight so much in our own lives. Beautiful, innit?

By listening to the spiritual occurrences which not only helped her highlight and master certain instances in her own life moreover, her aim with this book is that it will also inspire and teach many others who may not have the means to go on these expeditions. Her adventures personally inspired me to gain more knowledge of Lord Shiva- I'm delighted and cannot wait to explore the book page by page.

The climax can be found astoundingly in scenes of hardships, perseverance and exceeding the ordinary, followed by the lesson which is both literal and figurative. She broke physical boundaries, travelled perilous journeys to reach the goal of the book. We sat speaking in her lounge once when she described how her oxygen levels dropped significantly while journeying up to the pinnacle of the story, the physical journey itself was so difficult for her body to endure, I sat in awe listening, thanking God for her safety but also realising that this was a path she was meant to endure and these words rung to me, "The summit offers beautiful views but so does the deeper meaning of steadfastness to the cause".

What I can say is that, parts of this experience may have been told before but never with such love, practicality and faithfulness. The contents of this book indeed matches the title "Baktibhava" as it beautifully covers all 5 bhavas of bhakti, which is the absolute epitome of devotion.

Please DM me if you'd like to purchase a book, it's R350 per copy. Thank you!