

Addicted to pain .
Some say sleep helps,
Others say eating helps,
Others prefer taking long walks do,
And who am i then ?
I've tried all but no results,
I still feel the same pain .
Pain is the only emotion that ;
I've been farmiliar with ,
Embers of my past,
Sparks into flames each time ,

I'm scared ,
I'm scrared of what I'm becoming .
Pain is my only home,
I'm used to disappointments,
I do not shed a tear anymore ,I'm used to it,
I guess my heart got used to it eventually,
All that is left of me is a depressed little girl ,
Who does not even kmow her aims in life .

I know what you are thinking ,
That most probably I should get up,
And clear my mess and be productive,
I am a burning sinking ship ,
Not even any amount of energy can revive me ,
I seek validations ,can not stand on my own,
can not even make a simple decision .
Life is so fair to people like us ,
Just one emotion is all it gives to us ,
The one that rules our whole life ,the rest of it ,
Once it kicks in no turning back!
Unlike the rest ,we do not feel anything !
What a relief!