

wish to wish
I wish I could wish like you do
to be a child again
have opportunity for something different
to fall madly in love with a heart brand new
not fearful of pain or regrets
wishing to be a child again ,
I wish I could wish with memories too
I wish I could wish fondly like you do

I wish I could wish like you
on a shooting star
for the best version of self
for the best view
of pleasures and treasures
with new tiers unlocked
I wish I could wish on a star
but I wish on ground ridden rocks
I wish I could wish without weight
I wish I could wish like you do with a light heart

I wish I could wish
with all of my heart
I wish I could wish on a penny I toss
as I stand at a fountain in public
unthrown by crowds a strewn
I wish I could wish fearlessly like you do

© Jada E. Clark