

Its been a few days now; we’ve been stuck in this outlandish place with the bare minimum of necessities to survive. We’ve decided to hunt and gather while its daylight out and we’ve set up camp near our shipwreck.

Hes been awfully quiet since we’ve arrived. I know he blames himself but I try to reassure him that we couldn’t have forseen the storm being so terribly strong. He’s back at camp right now and I’m picking raspberries. I’ve compiled enough to start a jam but I’d rather use them whole just in case we need them.

I’m wandering back to camp and I see him standing on the deck. He looks into the ocean with his hands on his hips. I wish I didn’t disturb him cause he seemed so at peace. As soon as I stepped into sight hes gaze shifted over towards me. The smile he gave me and the little wave he did had me feeling rather giddy that I still had a friend.

I lay the berries I’ve accumulated onto a small blanket and climb aboard the wreck to see what he was taking in. He breathed in deeply and I glanced across the water. I felt the tension in between us and I almost left the deck. He grabbed my hand and staye silent, didnt look at me just yet. His diamond blue eyes glazing the water once more before turning towards me. I shrink down in his precense. I feel hes analyzing me.

“Its just you and I against the sea, darlin’. I know we can make it.” he whispered with his eyes locked onto mine.

My heart rattled in my chest at the word he called me. “darlin’” huh. I wonder what comes next.

© neptewn