

Music Is Life
Music is life, a symphony of memories intertwined,
Both good and bad, from the tapestry of our mind.
Music comes to life, in a melody that carries us through,
With old and new stories, each note rings true.

Music is life, an adventure waiting to unfold,
With excitement in every rhythm, it's the only way to run away without leaving home.
In every lyric a tale, with the power to soothe the mind,
Music is the essence of life, it weaves through our existence in a universal language, whatever the choice.

Music is life, a journey filled with highs and lows,
With every beat, the story grows and flows.
Guiding us through moments, encompassing all.
From the dawn's awakening to dusk's gentle fall,

Music is life, with the strongest kind of magic, to awake feelings etched deep inside.
It provides comfort, from the cradle's lullaby to our final goodbye.
Even during the lows, music speaks what cannot be expressed in words or voice,
As strength emerges, like a beacon of light.

Music is life's language, spoken from the heart,
In every note, there's a soulful work of art.
From laughter's joy to sorrow's song,
Music is refuge, it's pure, it's real, it heals, where words fail music speak loud and strong.

Music is life, in its beauty and its strife,
Because in every melody, we find the pulse of life.
So let music be life's song, and life be music's dance,
In harmony, they intertwine, like a timeless romance!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo