

Mind & Emotions
In the labyrinth of my mind,
emotions swirl and collide,
Entwined with memories, fears,
and desires untied.
My identity, a tapestry of hues,
ever-changing, never still,
Navigating the depths within,
a journey of self-will.

Mines of emotion, buried deep,
waiting to be explored,
Each feeling a gem, flawed and precious,
Joy and sorrow, intertwined in a delicate dance,
Shaping my existence, a chance to life.

In the silence of solitude,
I confront my inner seas,
Tides of passion and doubt,
with ease its crashing.
A kaleidoscope of emotions,
a symphony in my soul,
Guiding me through darkness,
I feel whole.

Through the valleys of despair
à and peaks of elation,
I navigate this terrain,
embracing each sensation.
The mind and emotions entwined,
Lies the essence of being,
the core of humankind
© Simrans