

you are masterpiece
You are a masterpiece, a work of art
Crafted with love, right from the start
With every breath you take, you shine
A unique creation, one of a kind

Don't let the world's opinions weigh you down
For you are perfect, just the way you are found
No need to listen to what others say
You deserve happiness, every single day

Embrace your flaws, they make you unique
A beautiful mosaic, not one to critique
Your imperfections, add to your charm
A masterpiece, that could never harm

You are a symphony, a beautiful song
A masterpiece, that could never go wrong
Your heart is pure, your soul is kind
A masterpiece, that's one of a kind

So stand tall, and hold your head high
For you are a masterpiece, reaching for the sky
No need to seek validation or approval
For you are perfect, in your own beautiful way, oh so special.

© nusrataijazlaway