

The Sand Page
If I could have found more than I searched
It will all come to you coz you're the one I urge
You write beautifully my name on the sand
But the waves fall down and I saw the end
Sand pages aren't so good to write on my name
The waves I see with my eyes and it all came to vain
Was it intentional to leave me on my own?
Does love disappears when we are grown?
To long for you was all a crime I did
Imprisonment of your love was all I need
How could I think that you're the one for who I was made?
When you come to my life, write my name, and then you fade
I was desperate to talk to you so I messaged you first
We would laugh along for hours before my tears burst
After all the world to me, you're the one I trust
But we were seperated as if it was very must
You don't trust in love anymore nor in bond we shared
I smile remembering the times when you just cared
It was all disappearing as we grow in age
Please don't write my name again on that sand page

#writco #heartbreak #love #new #poetry
© krish_is_not_a_poet