

Go fuck a stranger (NSFW/Trigger warning)
Seriously, its pissing me off. I can't get it off my mind. Pulling that shit at prom if all things. You know what? Fuck you. You complain about how I "won't leave you alone" and get all pissy with me when im the one trying to avoid you when you go out of your way to put shit on me. I can not fucking believe I ever let you touch me. Yeah, we don't talk about that, do we? How you took advantage of my sexual frustration and mental instability when I was 17. Knowing that, mentally, I wasn't fully there and even later admitting yourself that you knew I wasn't stable, you took me to your house and we "watched movies" in your room. How old were you at the time? 17 as well? 18? You clearly didn't care. You just knew I was vulnerable, desperate, and out of it. Looking back on it, it's something I thought I wanted, but didn't at heart. I didn't want what we did. I just wanted the problems to go away and I thought it would help. The only thing it did was make me feel guilty and gross. How? I wasn't romantically attratced to you. I wasn't even sexually attracted to you. How did I let your hands on my body? It felt so wrong in every possible way. Forgive me if I'm not exactly polite when talking to or about you. I have my fucking reasons. I just want to be as far away from you as possible. Fuck you, you're an asshole. Hope you have fun fucking strangers in parking lots, whore.