

Whispers of the Unknown
In the heart of dawn, where the sun first glows,
Paths untrodden call, where the wild wind blows.
Mountains high with peaks that pierce the sky,
Rivers deep with secrets flowing by.

Across the plains where shadows dance,
Through ancient forests, we take a chance.
Footprints fade, yet the spirit remains,
In the whispers of the unknown, we break our chains.

The horizon beckons with tales untold,
We're sailors of dreams, fearless and bold.
Stars as our guide, through night’s vast dome,
Every corner of earth, a piece of home.

With every step, a daring feat,
Adventures new beneath our feet.
In lands afar or just next door,
The call of the wild we can’t ignore.

So let’s embark, with hearts so free,
The world’s a map, our destiny.
For in each breath of the uncharted air,
Lives the soul of adventure, waiting there.
© Asante