

let him go
When he chooses to leave
Let him go
When he chooses to shutdown
Let him be
When he chooses to walk away
Show him the way
When he chooses to severe ties
Don't stop him
When he chooses to go against his words
just redefine em
When he chooses to throw you under the train
let not the train run you over
When he chooses to be called someone else'
Remember he once gave that privilege
Whenever he choose any of these
Let him have them
he will never be happy if you Force him to stay
he will never truly walk with you again
he will never see you so sacred anymore
he will just feed you more lies
you might never recover from the crash
he will never treat you the same
Don't stock him
Just focus on yourself
And leave all the shit where they belong.
©️Joy Ndidiamaka
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