

Rain Scented Regrets
I breathe in the familiar scent of rain, once beloved, now filled with regrets that cling to my skin like a heavy cloak, in the stillness of a damp night. Every drop from the sky echoes the pitter-patter of memories that have long faded, haunting me with their bittersweet whispers.

In my heart, the rain, once a soothing melody that danced on the roof, is now a discordant note, a reminder of promises broken and dreams lost. Its gentle touch upon my face now feels like icy fingers tracing paths of sorrow, tracing the map of my regrets with delicate precision.

I'm standing beneath the weeping sky, a lone figure in this world who has been stripped of tears and drowned by what could have been. The smell of rain blends with the taste of salt on my lips, a bitter mixture of lost chances and shattered dreams.

As the storm rumbles on, I am drowning in a wave of emotion that is washed from me by my own gravity. The rain scented regrets fall around me like a veil, obscuring the path ahead and cloaking me in a shroud of longing for what once was, and what can never be again.
© Simrans