

LGBTQIA+..... Uniqueness unfold
It feels so strange,
These basic things seem out of range,
With so much protest,
Still this slow sign of change.

The country worshipping Ardhnareshwar,
Pushes certain identities to remain under a fur,
And just because they are unique,
There needs are left unseen as if they never were.

The court questions "can they marry?"
I mean why not? what's so strange in them to carry?
Verdict announced "Right to marry ain't a Fundamental right"
Are allowed for live-in, but no marriage, isn't it scary?

Earlier under Section 377, an accomplishment,
They were allowed to complain of harrasment,
But now no provision like this in BNS
Force of another injustice upon them, further abandonment.

Just because some are unique from societal perceptions,
Their freedom is being curbed for a new recessions,
Why suppression with zero identification,
Why they've to ask for their acceptance as exceptions???

Let them also be treated as us,
Giving them everything without any fuss.
Build a civilization of freedom and equity,
Together we're the diversity's beauty.
Questioning them, refraining them, why?,
In your cruel system, there lies their cry.
Acceptance is not even a question, they're
'+' sign represents their welcoming
nature without being formal.

© Ritu