

I found some insights recently in the Bible that have actually helped tremendously!

Romans 1 basically says that when we turn our attention away from God, from his wisdom and teachings and commands, and we hold created things in higher esteem than him and serve the world's desires rather than his that it slowly defiles our minds in all sorts of pretty horrible ways.

I have experienced that and have been trying to put all that is written into practice in hopes that my Mind will be renewed and restored back to Peace and Purity.

It has been coming along but then I ended up caught in the trap of taking offense at and judging pretty much everything ungodly that anyone says, does or shows me.

Romans 2 says that we have no right Judging Others and it does nothing to help, it makes matter worse. It points out that no matter how much we Judge Others it won't allow us to escape God's Judgement, the guilt in our conscience will remain. It also says that 99% of the time we Judge Others for things we ourselves have done.

The thing I'm now trying to keep in the forefront is that God is kind, patient and endures our wrongdoings. It's his kindness that leads us to Repentance. It's his Grace and Mercy that give us Peace and the opportunity to be restored.

He wants us to treat others with the same Love he gives to all freely.

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:14‭-‬15‬ ‭NIV‬‬
[14] Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. [15] See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.

I have stored up a record of wrongs against everyone else my entire life and I realize all it's done is corrupt me and make me miserable.

The moment I started reflecting on my own wrongdoings I realized how much I myself needed to repent of and how much I require Grace.

It's difficult to deal with individuals who scoff at making Amends for Sin and try to flip the scripts to never be at fault.

But I've noticed by getting Angry that I just end up full of Hate, at war inside myself and end up doing all sorts of horrible things myself.