

It Just Beats On It's Own
This is a glass heart. I taunt the stones. I throw my own and hit the target. Those that hit me miss their mark. I am getting old, and have been torn apart before, it doesn't matter if I repair the body as it were, I don't feel much anymore. Just rage, at everything, and I have learned something about self control. I have enough to meet my goal as long as the plan is what I had thought when it formed before I had known a plan against me had already begun to unfold. What I mean is we've played our hands, they were thinking bluff, thinking hold. I was thinking fuck you, all in until they drag me out in a bag, cold. I don't bluff, I mean what I say. This is the reason I seldom communicate. This is the reason they came on strong, but now tread much more carefully was the years have gone on. They know their mistakes, bias in lieu of investigate. They know now there are some issues within their ranks. Because I am alive, and of sound mind, and it looks like the court may give me my way. A step away from retaining the estate that is at s stake. What this means is this is the first loss the county will taste. Though it was no knock out blow, just lasted longer than the justification they had thought up. But I Proved my point. My gaze always meets their stares. I give no fucks about police, probation, cps, or the damn taxes in arrears. The price of which has been claimed in feeling. This is a glass heart. I taunt the stones.
© Alien.S