

Christmas Eve my favorite part of the week.

My family had opened their presents and surprised my twin sister and me with a Wii system. We gotten so shocked we so curious when we will get permission.

That night it took long process for Dad.

Reading the manual figuring out how to set it up so everyone could play.
We kids kept messing with the wii game controls, told so many times to stsy away.

All of us laughed while setting up our Mii's and played a few rounds of Mario Kart Wii, and Wii Sports .

To end the night my sister went to sleep.
It was getting pretty late and 11 year old me wasn't used to staying up super late.

I fainted to the peaceful checkpoint in our new Mario game.

Between the late time and this soothing music with the Wii remote in my hand I fell asleep under the Christmas tree . My Mom had to shake me awake so I could be awake enough to go to bed .

That was one of the most magical experiences in my life . I'm so glad that I grew up in the golden age of Nintendo.
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