

black people are still afraid of white folks

Black people are still afraid of
White folks…they still are…
It’s 2024, even though we fought
Back, even though we defended
Ourselves, too many of us are still
Scared…that Stockholm syndrome
Never goes away…the thought of
There’s nothin we can do, it’s the
Way it is..white people will always be
At the top, they will always win
They can always do whatever they want
Without getting consequences…
They better than us…it’s the inferior
That’s talkin inside our lost minds….
The fact is that melaninated nations
Are mentally ill…white supremacy crippled us to
The bone…that fear we have inherited in our
DNA shred us into pieces…through Jim Crow
And slavery…the trauma, the sound of whites
Sayin I’m going to put you in your place if you ever
Talk back to me…the stern…the yellin…tauntin…
It’s everythin that makes the black race shivers
Quickly apologize for somethin you didn’t do…
For being black…white folks will have it their way
And give them a pass cos black people doesn’t want
To start a fight….tellin other black people to
Leave the issue alone….it’s really unfortunate
That some of us can’t even call out white folks
Bull shit…it’s sick….somehow you forgive them…

Cos you don’t wanna get in trouble cos in your mind
You see them as superior…I’m goin to tell you
Somethin…white people ain’t shit….
Ok? You can try to teach me a lesson
You can try to have a talk at a secret corner
But white people ain’t shit…we need to stop
Being a punk ass motherfucker..we need to stop
Being being such a big ass baby…white people and
Their system has made a genocide out of us everyday…
And over here we’re too busy playin and twerkin
Around invitin everyone to the cookout…still wantin to
Be acceptable by them who will always envy of us
The ones who give us Stockholm Syndrome at the very beginnin
The ones who gave us PTSD, all kinds of mental illnesses
They did that on purpose so they could have control over us…
They still act like masters abusin us…
And the worst part about that,
Black people are actin like white people who
Abuse us….the type of black people who are definitely lost
And self hated…

And you see why melaninated race is
Actually sick….you can tell you can see
Study the evidences of our own people
Who act like a white man, or white woman…
That’s dangerous..even more dangerous to
Join their genocidal agendas….

This is why racism and oppression
Needs to be talked about
Needs to be taken seriously
Especially in the black community
Look at our slave mentality
Look at how we carry our fear towards white people
It seems like we ain’t allowed to speak a word
Of it at all…there are moments where we have
Talk in whispers while white people are around…
That’s how bad it is….

Racism has done a lot of damage on us….

And fear is a part of us…and to be honest
They’re a threat to society that changed the game….
Meanin stolen land, colonization, pillage rape
And too many have walked the earth
With a slap on the wrist or just havin their best life…

Black people are still scared of them
They were like let them be..they mean well…
Don’t say anythin, move on…it’s just the way it is…

Black people need to have numerous
Discussions about the fear for white people…
Askin ourselves why we have it
And how can we fix it so we don’t pass it to our

We have to stand up and play chess necessary
If that includes violence, you can do whatever
It is to protect yourself and your family….

Fear is another generational curse….

Black people are scared to fight back
Cos of facin consequences
They feel like they have to apologize
They’re afraid to pass away by the system….
It’s the things are repetitive from the past
Like a broken record…

You see it you observe it…

It’s very heartbreakin…✊🏿💯😢©️ Kai C. 6-28-24
© Kai C..