

♥️ Imperishable Droplets 💧
From time immemorial,
humans have roamed on this earth,
traveling through a complex journey
from birth to death,
Though wars have raged, and battles have been won,
But the essence of humanity remains, and shines like the Sun,
In every culture, we always find a helping hand,
A symbol of oneness, a bond like a friendship band,
Love, empathy and compassion are the true whispers of wisdom,
Remind us of our shared goodness and the
divine freedom,

Fear of God, a primal emotion, we all commonly share,
A reminder of our mortality, and the weight we constantly bear,
Yet, in the face of adversity, we, the humans, always find a way,
To sympathize, to empathize, to coop and secure a hopeful ray,
Through the ages, humanity has faced the wrath,
Of trials, tribulations, calamities and the brutal aftermath,
But still we rise, like the phoenix from the ashes,
And exhibit our perseverance, patience and generosity even during clashes,

So let us cherish this oneness, this bond we share,
And strive to be the change, that's always there.
Since at the end of the day, it's not the wars we've won or lost,
But the love, the laughter, and the memories we've shared and tossed!

— Vijay Kumar
© Truly Chambyal