

Pride is the Devil
Pride is the devil, a foe so sly
Lurking in shadows, waiting to strike high.
It creeps in whispers, a subtle deceit
A poison that spreads, a heart that's beat.

With eyes that gaze inward, it blinds us to see
The beauty in others, the love that's meant to be.
It builds a fortress, a tower of might
A castle of ego, where love cannot take flight.

It whispers sweet nothings, a flattering tune
"You're the greatest, the best, the only one soon."
But soon it turns bitter, a taste that's awry
A isolation that grips, a heart that's gone dry.

Pride is the devil, a thief in the night
Stealing our joy, our love, our light.
It's a weight that's crushing, a burden to bear
Separation from God, from love, from care.

So let us beware, this foe so sly
And humble our hearts, before it passes us by.
For pride is the devil, a danger so real,
An obstacle to love, a heart that must heal.
© providence