

Everything is POSSIBLE
I can’t picture a life without problems,
They inspire us to work hard and learn.
We will all suffer this process,
No matter how much we avoid it.
we taunt our beloved for sometime,
but, its a shadow of our life.
it will make its way to our life,
a person could be called as wise,
if he/she can overcome their crisis,
if he/she look through it as a opportunity,
to prove themselves🎯.
people look into first rankers for everything,
either it is war, love, peace, exams or competition.
so it's our responsibility to taken care of it,
To change a decision is possible,
To change a person is possible,
To change an attitude is i'm possible.
If we try everything with passion,
Every single THING will be possible.
Its just a matter of time.....
Be the revolutionary creator,
not promoter,
Be a signature,
not a loser
Be a Human,
not an animal.......
prove to the world that you are also the part of this world.......🙏🇮🇳💚
© Afsheena Musthafa