

Hey You

Hey you... yes... you
on the other side of this phone
I am here to tell you
that you are not alone!

Hey you... yes... you
Somebody knows just when you cried
He buried all of your sins
at the cross when he died

Hey you... yes... you
Suicide is not the way to go
don't be rotten to please people
know that Jesus loves you so

Hey you... yes... you
Forgive... forgive those that might have inflicted all that pain
and know that in your heart
you shall one day smile again

Hey... hey you...
I know we don't know each other
but I genuinely love you
as a sister or a brother

Hey... hey you...
please... please don't say you give up now
i've been worse off before
and Jesus saved me everyhow

Hey you... out of reach... somewhere in this world
Please know that you are greatly loved and accepted
and know that Jesus loves a heart that has
truly repented

© Amy.N.R.Holder