

Ms. Silly Pen.

An usual summer day ,
me in my messy room ,
The things that I love ,
scattered near me .
Music in speaker ,
No one is near,
High volume ,
feeling of concert in air .

Pencils waiting to sketch,
Flute standing in protest ,
Books already slept,
work working to grab me,
But nothing wins my heart
than this paper and pen.

All I'm thinking to
scribble or poem something
that I never get in real ,
which I used to dream.

The dream of happiness
that I afloat in air ,
to see the sky that
welcomes me , embrace me ,
wipes me from hell.
Like a clearance of sad and wounds
in this gambled heart.
Burning mind's peace and
a smile with higher reality.

So do I overcome this ?
or do I live my dreams ?
and sadly it is remaining as
a question like always.
© ms_sillypen

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