

When you love someone, it's never over
Even when the road ahead seems so unsure
You may have to move on and part
But you take them with you in your heart
Their laughter echoes in your mind
Their touch lingers, gentle and kind
The memories of love, forever stored
In the depths of your heart, they are adored
You may have to say goodbye
But the love you shared will never die
It will stay with you, a guiding light
Through the darkest of days and the longest of nights
They may no longer be by your side
But their love will forever abide
As you move on and start anew
They'll be a part of everything you do
In the quiet moments, you'll hear their voice
As if they were still there, your heart will rejoice
And though they may have gone away
Their love in your heart will always stay
For when you love someone, it's never over
Their memory is a constant, a forever treasure
You may move on, but you'll never truly part
Because they'll always live on, in your beating heart.
© cynfully

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