

The dance of MELANCHOLY
Alaba who was very beautiful and just attained maturity,
fell into a trap within her community.

She was sixteen years of age.
Still in a developing stage

But Tunde who is a wolf and loves fresh meat wouldn't let her slip away.
He eats any fresh meat and bone he finds every night and day.

The wily wolf, having sighted Alaba, tried all his tricks and then she was caged.
This was faster and easier than he had envisaged.

Poor Alaba who had fallen for his trick
Went to his house the same week.

He gave her a glance
And shut all the doors and windows so they could have a dance.

They both danced a dance slowly on a soft material with both waists clashing against each other.
To the wolf, everything was perfectly In order.

She has been in the family way since the wolf preyed on her.
She cried bitterly and rolled on the floor like the wheel of a car.

She was eaten like a piece of cake
and she finally realized she made a beautiful mistake.

©️ Dosman