


In fields of gold and skies so blue,
A special heart beats strong and true.
With every step, each laugh and cheer,
You've filled our lives with love and cheer.

A guiding light, a gentle hand,
You’ve been our rock, our steady land.
Through storms of life, both night and day,
You’ve led us on the righteous way.

Your wisdom deep, your spirit kind,
A father's love, so hard to find.
With stories told and lessons learned,
You’ve shaped the lives for which we yearned.

In quiet moments, we reflect,
On all the ways you’ve helped, protect.
A hero’s heart, a warrior’s soul,
In our lives, you play the leading role.

So here’s to you, with love so grand,
The greatest father in the land.
We celebrate your heart, so true,
Dear Dad, we deeply cherish you.
@I_Am_Michael thanks for been there for me I love you I are my best and proide
© Testimony