

Her silent words
"In her silent words
there is a lot of
words was hidden,

That was screaming
in her heart,

That silent words
wanted to scream
and tell you a lot,

There was neither
time nor any respite
you gave her,

Still, those silent words
were waiting for you
to say one word that
you understood her and
understand her even today,

Those silent eyes
were looking at you
without blinking,

There was a strange
movement in the heart
and her lips were stitched,

A wave of emotions
were buried in her heart,

Yes, at that time every
feelings related to love
was getting buried,

At that time not
only the way,
her heart was also
getting separated
from you,,,.

© Shama writes ✍️

#writcopoem #silentwords #silenteyes #waveofemotions #buriedeverything

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