

"In crepuscular whispers, umbral forms sway
A sidereal shroud, in perpetuity gray"
"The solar visage, in tenebrous eclipse
An interminable nocturn, eternal the sacrifice"


"The lunar luminescence, a spectral beam
Weaves a haunting incantation, on this perpetual dream"
"Celestial sentinels, veil their radiant gaze
As the perpetual umbra, asserts its mystic sway"


"Through this interminable crepuscle, we stray
In quest of a flicker, from a luminescence that's strayed"
"Yet like a specter, it haunts us still
A persistent echo, of a radiance that's stilled"


"Optimism's luminous aura, in tenebrosity wanes
Abandoning us to confront, the perpetual umbrage"
"Still in the umbra, a scintilla persists
A flicker of fortitude, that defies extinction's insistence"


"For even in the abyss, of this interminable shade
A luminescence within, still wrestles to evade"
"A sentinel of valor, that navigates us through
The perpetual umbra, to an aurora anew"


© Ebenezer