

The Argony of a Child
In eyes too young to know such pain,
A tempest rages, cold and plain.
A child’s heart, so frail and small,
Carries a burden meant for all.

In whispered cries, in silent screams,
The agony that haunts their dreams.
A stolen laugh, a broken toy,
A shadow cast on fleeting joy.

Their tears fall down like winter rain,
Each drop a testament to pain.
Hunger gnaws with endless need,
Innocence, by sorrow, freed.

Small hands clutch at empty air,
Seeking comfort, finding despair.
The world, so vast, so cold, unkind,
Leaves gentle souls in chains confined.

Yet in the depths of grief and woe,
A tiny spark begins to glow.
For children, though in darkness steeped,
Hold hope within their spirits, deep.

Their fragile strength, their will to live,
A silent plea for all to give.
To mend their hearts, to soothe their cries,
To light the stars in their night skies.

Oh, heed the agony they bear,
And answer with compassion’s care.
For every child deserves to find,
A world that’s gentle, just, and kind.

© faintest_pen