

The mask of deception
The illusion faded
As his mask fell
And his true face was revealed,
The people were puzzled
But the man was more surprised
As the face on the mask
Was the only one he'd ever known.

Due to the fear to be alone
From birth he wore a mask
To hide his own,
Like a clone
He changed his tone
And at that time
An illusion was born,
The illusion nurtured his delusion
And with time he forgot who he was.

Don’t mistake my tell for a judgment,
It's not his fault
He was born from resentment,
He was misunderstood
So he became what they wanted,
Born different and unique
Now he is nothing more than a mimic,
Nothing more,
Nothing less,
Just enough but not enough to impress.

Every time we put on the mask of deception we end up deceiving ourselves, the lies we tell end up being our reality, mostly those that we tell ourselves. Always be yourself and let people see you for who you really are because at the end of the day the only recognition you need is from yourself.

Poem by Bruce the poetik wolf

#beproud #beyourselfalways #confidence #deception