

Lost Love
Your lips touched mine

My heart touched yours

But little did I know,

Everything was meant to be in vain.

The scars you healed

The tears you wiped

Every little thing you did

Was meant to be a sad memory.

The moment you stopped it

Caused my heartbeat to slow down.

Every day, I count the seconds

Till your text arrives.

You said trust the process.

And I believed in your process.

Yet I don't know how long

I can make it look normal.

You were the reason for my happiness.

Now you are the reason for my sadness.

Every span of my life, I'm sure,

You are my reason for everything.

I won't let you know a thing.

Imma act so good, so you are good.

Your happiness is my happiness,

Though I act crazy at the thought of losing you.

Never have I ever felt that pain.

Never have I ever been so vain.

Yet, I trust in your process,

That's the thing that keeps me going.

I love you, but you like me back.
I act okay and I'm really okay!
© SCribblEr