

Christ's Glory; God's Grace
After listening to the struggles and trials and Temptations and transgressions of so many People, I have had to deal with a tremendous amount of them myself.

I can go on the path with People and sort of feel where it is, where it ends, where it began.

I can either encourage what seems honorable and upright whilst discouraging what appears to Me will cause a lot of Pain and become an awful consequence or fright.

But many are very Angered when I let them know what God thinks about their desires and intentions as I explain from his Wisdom that I see them by their Fruits.

Sometimes I just take all the awkwardness and abuse, I neglect to say anything for appearing a fool or a hypocrite.

But that can actually instigate even more I find, almost as if my reaction itself becomes highly provocated to come out of Me.

Last night I dealt with a Mocker who came out into the midst of a group of Friends and I and said he was the Messiah and to follow Him to Glory and Immortality and everybody laughed hysterically.

I really wanted to say something but I bit my tongue to the roof of my mouth for awhile.

These two friends of mine are cousins and they sometimes slap each other and do other violent/disrespectful things to each other. I find it odd too but apparently it's a way they have treated each other since they were kids and it's normal to them.

The Mocker went straight over to them and started to rebuke the Cousin who struck the Other saying no one should ever disrespect a friend or a cousin or anybody like that.

The Cousin who slapped the other got really submissive and apologetic while the One who was slapped started to explain it was all fine.

The Mocker continuously tried to say it wasn't okay and provoke the Cousin who was struck to hit the other back. When he refused several times and said all is okay and forgiven, the Mocker started to threaten the Cousin who struck the other himself.

Another individual randomly appeared and very gently slapped the Cousin who slapped the other then made a sexual reference and the Mocker became very uncomfortable and walked away.

He approached Me and asked what I've been up to... I told him not much, mostly just reading the Bible lately.

To which he shot Me an intense glance and locked eyes with Me to see if there was anything he could poke or prod at or ridicule that would provoke Me to which I showed I would remain humble to.

He said "Okay, that serious. Man. What a weird night I'm having" and walked away xD

I was very confused but thanking God for showing Me what Faith, Mercy and Grace can be when focused on intrinsically and intently.

When the Love for Christ is held in Highest regard and esteem, so that Mercy can surpass Judgement instinctually.

A Love beyond Knowledge by seeking Peace with all Men even when so many have already pierced Me and violently attacked Me and even tried to kill Me in the past.

All the while trying to hone in so many urges and lusts and fears and whatever else could trigger Me to react differently than I suppose would be Gracious and Faithful.

A fight and a struggle so new to Me that it was perplexing. I'm used to fighting in the Flesh, but to remember that by Grace through Faith we are Saved, I remember that it was his Mercy which drew Me in, his Wrath that made Me Fear in order to become Peaceable and Obedient, but his Grace that ultimately saves Me from Condemnation of my own making.

My Judgement is awfully Corrupt, but his is Impeccably Glorious and Merciful :)

It's something so new to Me that I Fear even getting the tad least Arrogant about how Wise it felt to be so Patient would be enough to make Me fall from Grace all over again.

Living by Faith rather than Sight is often enough to want to faint when in an environment that frowns on Integrity and Convictions being brought up or displayed.

When a plea for Mercy or an Upright action provokes more Wrath and Provocation.

When all that can really be done is to seek refuge in the Lord internally so as to not do or say a thing to resist anything but one's own temptation to judge or transgress.

To Obey the Law, One cannot be the Judge but merely the One who Obeys.

To not fully even grasp what that means and yet see it keep Peace in someone's eyes with Me without a need for Words was very odd.

But it feels like I made so many Judgements and was so near to Condemning and losing my Patience that I was blessed by something beyond my own understanding.

It makes Me want to clean up my own act and pray and study because I don't take for granted that I was testing and disobeying in many ways myself last night and I was becoming morally ambiguous and corrupt in Judgement.

To abide in Christ, and Him in Me,
my utmost Desire,
yet I seem to push the boundaries and test the fences a lot,
and I need to stop.