

What matters ?
I love my veggies,
I love the slow life,
" Dolce far niente "
Is what i appreciate..
Beach walks, nature trails,
sunrise and sunsets...
A life void of pain- body,
An existence void of unpleasant trade offs...
A place where it doesn't cost to live,
Survival demands money,
Companion demands Effort...
To die is cheap, to live is Expensive...

We hoard things and protect it all our lives,
Just to loose it all at once,
Life plays a scary game on all of us,
And we are oblivious most of the time,
Name a person who was immortal,
You can't find a single one...
Impermanence is the essence of life,
But we need skills to survive, to exist, to BE..
This gets challenging most of the time,
To strike a path of balance,
As life is to be lived and finally lost,
Are we living in vain?
Is there any Point of existence ?

© cacti