

Seasons in me
1. Spring

When came in me ,the Spring
my heart begin to bloom as everything around me bloomed.
I hope to be born again pure,
as the bird who just received the blessing from Spring.

2. Summer

When came in me ,the Summer
the intense heat reminded me of my past life.
I kept advancing as to wish nothing had happened,
but the sins of past kept me on edge with a hum.

3. Autumn

When came in me, the Autumn
I was tire so I fell just like the dried leaves.
the strong winds blew and I wished to be carried by them
so again when the Spring comes I shall be bloomed somewhere else.

4. Winter

When came in me, the Winter.
the longings in me became deeper and deeper.
the longing to become pure and sinless again.
even when frost came all over me I still hoped to be revived.

© nightingale