

That very day I woke up
as a spirit In a new body
it took me a while
to cross to the other side
that being said
I was trapped
inside my body
of all the past mistakes
peoples betrayal
deep hatred for the things
I had no control of
In me layed a kid
with a painful childhood
that wanted nothing more
but to disappear
into thin air
with no trace
the other day I entered a deep sleep
I was taken back
to my ugly days
I saw helplessness inside her
an anguish to pour out the pain
an innocent soul detained
for the justice she didn't commit
a beautiful soul that trusted
the wrong people
she was slowly loosing herself
in the midst of all her pain
as her tears over flowed the ocean
she was alone and scared
I tried to call her and hug her
it was as though I nearly existed
she stood on a cliff
I went in front of her
begging to not die
she jumped with her the agony
she withheld in her innocent heart
I went home I saw mom
crying uncontrollable
saying what have you done
dad almost passing out
with a photo of me
when I was much younger
all my siblings I had little fight with
stood quietly unable to speak
my friends crying their eyes out
while my enemies laughed
with no remorse
finally a shock was felt
on my mortal being
I took a heavy breathe
then I woke up
that day I woke up with butterflies
In my stomach
for myself and loved ones
I took a bath with scented flowers
slowly cleaning my scars and poison
they fed me
saying am not enough
dressed in an expensive perfume
that screamed out I forgive me
along with my haters
I took back what was truly mine
the power to control
what's happening inside
at that our hour everything changed
I cherished my loved ones
working hard for the future me
I kissed my own hand
everyday I wake up
life is a gift
that can't be bought
but can be lost
if taken carelessly
every day is an opportunity
to learn and grow
peharps pain,sorrow is part of it
but should be dug in
beneath the ground
knowing from all the generation
none existed like you
you are here for a reason
know that purpose
and thrive
© mariahashei