

A Choice Unspoken

Two hearts stood before me, best friends both,
In love with each, a secret oath.
To choose between, a heavy weight,
But in the end, I left it to fate.

Each one special, unique, and dear,
Their laughter, kindness, always near.
But picking one seemed so unfair,
A risk too great, too much to bear.

I thought of moments, sweet and bright,
But worried how it might ignite
A rift between the friends I knew,
A choice that could split us in two.

So, I stayed silent, kept love at bay,
Watched them both from far away.
In friendship's arms, I found my place,
No love declared, but no bonds to erase.

Now sometimes I wonder what might have been,
If I had spoken up back then.
Yet here we are, friends strong and true,
A path unchosen, but no regret to rue.
© marionbonareri
#poem #poetrycommunity