

Symbiosis With Nature (Earth Day Prompt)
There's probably should be more than one day that we celebrate the Earth.
Assuming it's the womb that gave rise to humanity's birth.
Maybe we're created or perhaps we've just evolved.
The details of our birth don't really factor in at all.

We're ruining our planet so the rich can gain more riches.
When you slow their money down you leave them all in stitches.
But what good is their money if there's nowhere left to spend it.
One well placed solar flare and their wealth could all be ended.

We pollute and then destroy with our thriving population.
We're cutting down so many trees, preventing oxygenation.
Ecosystems all get wiped for another subdivision.
I'm sure humans will change their time when it's too late to be forgiven.

In place of only taking time one day out of the year,
Maybe we give a little back so our home can persevere.
Plant a tree, pick up some trash, and grow closer to nature,
Find ourselves a lasting spot in natural nomenclature.

© The Moonlight Bard