

maybe next time....
Write a poem about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered.

The sussuration of raindrops
created hallucinations.
As if someone cried profusely
I couldn't hold myself too.
Tears ran down as sadness grasped me
I couldn't control my emotions anymore.
Right then, was it darkness
that added the feeling
of someone sitting, just beside me;
heavy breaths on my shoulder
and pulling me closer?
Murmuring the childhood lullaby;
it stared at me with black beady eyes,
while the rest was covered by it's own shadow.
Soft pats on my back and head,
the warmth in the moist room then,
the lost colour and the safe shelter
all drifted away within a moment.
Just then the lights came back.
That touch of protection,
that rythemic humming voice,
that reassuring eyes and
the unseen curiosity
all vanished in the damp air at once;
shattering the scary yet soothing illusion.
Was it in front of my eyes or in my mind ?
I still wonder!


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