

She lies there,
dressed in her best,
in the emerald-painted casket.
White flowers around the space,
her tiny body
with no worry of tomorrow
even though she has none to.
A faint smile of fulfillment
ornaments her pale face
that once was peach-colored.

As her casket was hoisted
by her family and friends on their shoulders,
there began a journey,
her last one with them.
With every step,
a drop of their tears falls to the
muddy soil of the cemetery
they will bury her in.
All the memories of togetherness
are now only some words in a memoir
flashing before their eyes.

The smell of petrichor
that she loved,
wafting in the air,
makes it even harder for all
to say goodbye to her.
The thunder rings,
reminding them of her mighty ways,
and the dark clouds cover.

As the casket descends
six feet below, all they hear are
her rants on living,
her philosophy, and her century-old jokes
with a tiny smile that never left her face.

As the rain pours down,
all the emotions they hid
start to wash out as the rain touches them,
revealing how empty they felt
on the loss of their
wife, mother, sister,
grandmother, aunt, and friend.
And finally, they spoke their
© RukiaAckerman