

Wisdom whisper
In the quiet of the morning, as dawn begins to glow,
A whisper carries wisdom, in a voice so soft and low.
Not in books or lofty halls, where scholars seek the light,
But in the simple moments, where hearts and minds unite.

Listen to the rustling leaves, as secrets they confide,
Or the murmurs of the river, as it weaves its gentle tide.
Wisdom hides in silence, in the spaces in between,
In the questions left unspoken, in the places seldom seen.

It's the patience of the mountain, standing firm against the years,
The resilience of the forest, after fire, storms, and fears.
It's the kindness of a stranger, and the love that mends a tear,
The courage found in quiet hearts, who stand when none else dare.

So heed the wisdom whispers, in the hush of your own mind,
In the lessons life delivers, in the gentle, and the kind.
For wisdom isn't shouted, nor found in grand display,
But in the tender murmurs, that guide us on our way.

© faintest_pen