

My Mobile
My Mobile
My mobile, my trusted companion,
Always by my side, I never abandon.
With a tap and a swipe, I'm instantly connected,
To my loved ones, to the world and all that's expected.

Texts to friends, updates on the go,
Maps for directions, music for my soul.
Camera always ready to capture moments so dear,
My mobile, my lifeline, my friend, that's always near.

My mobile equipped with apps and games,
You keep me entertained but never the same.
I cherish the moments we spend together,
My mobile, my constant tether.

But in this virtual age, a heavy toll,
Long time screen addiction taking a toll.
Lost in a digital world, I get disconnected
from reality,
My mobile, a double-edged sword of modernity.

Balance is key, I understand and apply with care,
To cherish relationships and not losing them anywhere.
My mobile, a device of splendid power,
May it enhance my life, each hour.

© Sunita Pathania

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