

Wind on my face

Small strokes of wind gushing on my face,
feeling like thousand prickling needles,
My heart hurting as hard as ever,
I stood on the edge counting days of forever.

Wind on my face reminding me of bruises of past,
I stand in the desert of lonliness, The wounds still aching,
Smiling though knowing that I am faking.

Am I destined to hurt like this forever,
Will my suffering ever have an end?
Will my wounds heal will my heart mend?

I am hanging by a small thread but gotta survive,
Life making me so tired feels as if it's just my body in the room but am not really there,
But the winds on face reminds me that I gotta hold on, not let go yet,
Even though tears are making my face wet.

Wind on my face soothing me and hurting at the same time,
Reminding me that I gotta hold on to the thread.
© Saste Writers