

Control, alt, delete
At times there is so much to say
Mind Is overflowing
To many thoughts in the way
Of what I think I need to express
It’s not me or myself I repress
I try to listen observe them 1 by 1
How come it feels like there’s no end to this storm

I feel the need, the cry for help,
Don’t want no pity. Just someone that gets me
But I’m stuck in this bowl of neverending
How can I get comfort and understanding
When all that is happening
Is me, staring at nothing, but feeling full
Server is out of control
Please don’t think I’m lazy, my body might be quiet
But my mind is racing

The only thought I can get out
Is that I’m scared and full of doubt
Don’t wanna bother or be too much
I start self-sabotaging pretending I’m fine
Oh nothing is happening, yeah I’m allright
Cause what will happen If I’m not
Don’t want to lose someone close to me
But instead of opening-up
It went control, alt, delete

Logically, of course I understand
The other way around I would be a friend
Their shoulder to cry on, to vent or to advise
They are not alone. When they feel sad I feel it twice
Just now, I have to learn
That opening up, is not being a burden
Familiar souls will fill my garden
As I try to blossom

Nobody told me that after insight
There comes regret because I lost my mind
I would never again put me in places I’ve been
But that doesn’t bother me, that is growth
I only need to accept that I’m the remote
Have to believe that the grown person now
Can zap away bad situations, habits or people
Cause I am enough, this is my temple.
© Jourme