

SGSL: A Believer's Love
23 May 2024 at 8:00AM
23 May 2024 at 9:39AM

"Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the gods." - Plato

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love.
Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." - 1 John 4:16

Today my hubby gives me a new nickname: Receiver
I'm now known as a "Bible Bee Believer"
Our love story has a unique twist
My nickname is irresistible

He starts calling me "Bible Bee Chaser",
A very clever name will stick around forever
I smile as my heart feels lighter
In his eyes, I shine much brighter

From now onwards, my hubby has got a new word in his receiver
‘Bible Bee Believer’, me, a true believer
In our love tales, my nickname is so sweet
Bringing us closer, a hard-to-beat connection

My hubby's playful nickname for me,
A true recipient 'Bible Bee Believer',
A title makes me a believer
In the book of love, a chapter has been written
With this new name, our hearts are smitten

Bible Bee Believer with such pure love
In his eyes, I feel secure
His nickname a symbol of such deep faith
In his heart, I will keep my love.

Thank you so much, dear readers, for your kind words and support.
© Ruth Hor