

"Bound By Love: "A Sister's Tribute, A Brother's Light" ❤️❤️
Brother & Sister
Special Collaboration

Wonderful Writer's:

I came into a world anew,
A lone guy feeling blue,
Then you decided to say hi,
Making me more than just a slide view,
You embraced me with care,
With a heart open wide,
Your friendship a treasure,
We have forged a bond strong and true,
You walk a spirit so fine,
Your life is filled with passion and grace,
Kindness and love are your life's way,
A Muslim girl with a heart full of light,
Your face challenges with unwavering might,
Your Hijjab, a symbol of your Iman inside,
An epitome of wisdom with a voice serene,
In all situations you reamin a queen,
With patience and empathy,
You ease others pain,
Your presence, a promise that hope will sustain,
Your poems are a mirror to your,
Compassionate soul,
Each line, each rhyme, a piece of the whole,
You capture the essence of joy and of strife,
Translating the whispers of everyday life,
In the tapestry of friendship,
You're vibrant thread,
Your words lift the heaviest dread,
Your kindness, a beacon in the darkness night,
A testament to a heart that is ever so bright,
To know you is to witness a rare kind of love,
A gift from the heavens, a blessing from above,
You embody the essence of strength and care,
You are living proof that angels do walk,
Here and there,
In your life and work, you leave a trace,
Of boundless love, of an endless of embrace,
Dear strong aspiring nurse with a heart so true,
The world is brighter all because of you,
To my big sis, a gem so rare,
You've made my world brighter,
Just by being here,

Amidst a life where kindness shines so bright,
A young boy, just 15, a guiding light,
With a heart so big and laughter so pure,
His presence, a comfort, a love's that sure,
A Muslim boy, with faith so strong,
In his gentle ways, he finds where he belongs,
Always lifting others with words so kind,
His spirit, a treasure, so easy to find,
You tell me I'm great, in your eyes,
I see a reflection of love,
A brother's decree,
Your humor, a gift, that lightens the day,
In your jokes and your smiles,
Worries melts away,
Your soul, so compassionate,
Your heart, so grand,
In this vast, wide world,
You're friend so in demand,
You listen with patience,
You speak with grace,
A beacon of hope in life's fast-paced race,
A fantastic writer, your words so profound,
Each verse, each line, with meaning unbound,
Your stories and poems, they capture the,
Soul, showing the world,
Your heart's gentle goal,
You write of dreams, of hope, and of fears,
With wisdom beyond your tender years,
In each sentence, in each crafted line,
You talent and passion brilliantly shine,
My baby brother, a joy so rare,
With your big heart, you truly care,
A king in your kindness,
With a spirit so free,
Your friendship, a blessing, your love, the key,
We share laughs, we share tears,
Through all the growing pains of our years,
You've been my rock, my confident true,
In this journey of life, it's better with you,
Your laughter that, a melody that fills the air,
Your presence, a comfort beyond compare,
You bring out the best in those you meet,
Your warmth, your smile, so incredibly sweet,
You have a way of seeing the good,
In places where few others would,
Your optimism, a breath of fresh air,
In your company, we feel love and care,
Your mind so curious, always so bright,
Your future holds limitless light,
With every step, with every dream,
You're a star, in life's great scheme,
You make my world brighter with
Each passing day,
In your wonderful, funny, and loving way,
Together we stand, with our bond so true,
In this tapestry, of life I'm grateful for you,
You're more than a friend, you're
My brother, so dear,
With you, there's never a reason to fear,
Your light, your love, your laughter,
Your grace,
You make this world a much better place,
So here's to you, with a heart full of cheer,
To my little brother, forever near,
Your spirit, your joy, your unwavering love,
You're a gift to this world, sent from above,
In every smile, in every tear,
In every hope, in every fear,
You stand by my side, a rock, so true,
Dear brother,
The world is better
Because of you,

Thank you so much for reading
Lost if love and respect from
Lunar Queen

#Writcopoem #Writcocollaboration
#brothersisterlylove #sweetfriendship
#Writcocommunity #Wricofamily
#LunarQueen #Queenofthecastle

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