

Midnight in Springtime
It’s midnight in springtime.
The equinox has come to pass
and soon the clocks leapfrog across
the opening clouded hour of Sunday—
shall rest upon lighter lily pads.

It’s midnight in springtime.
So now sundown has found a way
to reclaim its rightful place.
The imperial chill that once ruled firm,
overthrown by the pull
of the vespertine race
that gallops in,
as does a horse
towards the purest of waters.

It’s midnight in springtime.
I am happy and grateful—
comfortable in the fair-growing weather,
the slowing of silence in the hushed air
that every year I wish to last forever.

It’s midnight in springtime.
The plant life too is happy and grateful—
the rhododendrons, tulips, daffodils,
bursting with magenta moods
and a rich yellowing of compliments,
radiate new youth and freshened splendour.
They smile at me and I smile back—
I do not know if my gestures are
requited or acknowledged even.
Do they simply give out selfless warmth
from their overjoy that brings about
promise in all good colours once more?

For now I just meander and admire
this hallowed midnight in springtime.

© Joseph Chin
#spring #springtime #nighttime #night #midnight #beauty #nature #flowers #gratitude

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