

Dear Home- Walls are often the sky
My Dear Home,

As I sit within your comforting embrace, I am reminded of how your walls are often the sky that guides me through life's journey. Just like the sky above, your walls stand tall and unwavering, offering me a sense of security and endless possibilities. The way your walls reach towards the heavens mirrors my aspirations, always aiming higher and seeking to touch the intangible.

Within your walls, I have found refuge from life's storms and a canvas to paint my dreams upon. Your rooms are not just spaces but realms where my imagination takes flight, where I find solace in solitude and joy in the presence of loved ones. Your walls, like the sky, encompass me in a sense of belonging and provide a constant reminder that no matter where I wander, I always have a place to call home.

Thank you, dear Home, for being the sky that cradles me, the walls that shelter me, and the foundation upon which my life unfolds.

With boundless love,
© Simrans